Kaulantak Siddha Vidya Peeth

mission & vision

In order to find the motivation to practice authentically, you need to listen to teachings, study them and reflect on their meaning. These days, with our busy lives and students who are spread out all over the world, this can be quite a challenge. So I have worked with some of my students to create a place on-line so that anyone with an internet connection can find guidance and support for their practice. I feel that this sort of endeavor is essential in today’s incredibly fast-paced world, so that we always can find inspiration at the touch of a button.

- John Doe -

Kaulantak Siddha Vidya Peeth (KSVP) stands as a beacon of education, guided and managed by the benevolent maternal presence of Ma Padma Priya. As the cherished partner of His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra, she embarked on a mission to disseminate the teachings of Siddha, channeling them through Mahasiddha Ishaputra via the KSVP platform.


            Central to Siddha Dharma teachings is the concept of personal growth. This journey isn’t about instantaneous marvels or miracles; rather, it’s a progressive evolution that is deeply felt within. The transformation from within stands as the most profound of all changes, as it becomes the catalyst for all external transformations. By nurturing one’s inner self, it inadvertently fosters growth in every aspect of life. Analogously, when one nurtures a mango tree, it not only bears fruit but also provides shade and timber, symbolizing comprehensive growth from a singular source.


             At the heart of KSVP’s mission is the aspiration to guide individuals towards discovering their intrinsic freedom. This freedom transcends mere rights such as life, liberty, and property; it delves deeper. True freedom is the empowerment to act on one’s freewill, uninhibited by external influences. Siddha Dharma teachings focus on inner fortification, enabling one to act genuinely from a place of freewill. By liberating the inner self from biases, preconceptions, and skewed perceptions, the doors to unbridled freewill are thrown open. The teachings of Siddha Dharma facilitate mastering the mind, setting the stage for transformative growth, ultimately leading to profound inner peace.


             In today’s fast-paced world, we often witness tendencies that resemble basic animal instincts. Manifestations like greed, jealousy, envy, and imbalances in desires are becoming more prevalent. While societal dynamics have evolved, laws primarily focus on overt actions rather than internal emotions. For instance, harboring thoughts of harm isn’t illegal, but it’s our moral compass that guides us away from such inclinations. Now, more than ever, there’s a pressing need for a return to moral grounding and ethical clarity. The teachings of Siddha Dharma and the practice of sadhana offer a path to cultivate inner harmony and foster positive instincts within us.