Mahasiddha Ishaputra: Descent of Divinity in the Human Form
This article is just the tip of the Iceberg that Mahasiddha Ishaputra is. If one begins to write on the great Kaulantak Nath, Mahasiddha Ishaputra, many volumes would not be able to justify the magnificent life He lived and the Leela He played since He was born. His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra descended to this earthly realm with the sole purpose of reviving the lost wisdom systems of the Siddhas of the Himalaya. Gurumandala sent him to the human realm on 23rd August, 1983 and the day marked the dawn of a great beginning in spiritual awakening within this material world.

We humans live two lives at the same time. The material life and spiritual life. More people are beginning to realise the need to evolve spiritually. Although most people ignore their spiritual life. The material world is governed by the state and there are state actors while the spiritual world is governed by the ultimate spiritual being of this universe, who is called by different names by different people. The guides in the form of Guru govern the spiritual realm. At different times, different Gurus are sent to the human realm from the spiritual world to guide the next generation of Siddhas.
Mahasiddha Ishaputra’s childhood was full of extreme hardships of austerities, Guru sewa along with the hardships that people used to face in the rough terrains of Himalayan regions with no roads back then. The Chosen One, Mahasiddha Ishaputra learnt various wisdom systems under the strict Guru- Shishya Tradition of Siddha Dharm of Himalayan Siddhas. The Divine Chetana, in form of Mahasiddha Ishaputra, received the great spiritual knowledge by the thirty-eight Mahasiddhas of the Himalayas to prepare Him for guiding the future Siddhas. He was appointed as the Kaulantak Nath. The Kaulantak Nath is the head of the Supreme spiritual Peeth in the Himalayas: The Kulant Peeth (Kaulantak Peeth). Kaulantak Peeth runs on the ancient tradition of Siddha Dharma.
One can understand ‘Siddha Dharma’ as top of the pyramid of Sanatana Dharm. All the spiritual knowledge encompassed in Sanatana Dharma comes from the great Maharishis, Rishis and Munis. And the deep roots of the spiritual knowledge that the different spiritual masters have are in the Divine, miraculous, auspicious Himalayas. The Mahasiddhas are the supreme Gurus who pass on the greatest ‘Adhyatmik’ (spiritual) knowledge, pertaining to thousands of wisdom systems, to the whole world. Mahasiddha Ishaputra was sent down to the plains from the greater heights of the Himalayas to where the material world dominates for the purpose to revive the lost wisdoms of the Himalayan Siddhas of Siddha Dharma.
The Supreme Himalayan Guru, Mahasiddha Siddha Siddhant Nath Ji Maharaj, took the great responsibility of educating Mahasiddha Ishaputra. The Supreme Guru was the previous Kaulantak Nath of the great Kaulantak Peeth. His Divine Guru initiated Mahasiddha Ishaputra into many wisdom systems of the Himalayan Siddhas and also sent the Divine Avatar (who was a child at that time) to other thirty-seven Gurus for the holistic Adhyatmik knowledge into the Kulant educational system of the Siddhas. The Divine incarnation received spiritual training in almost all existing paths of spirituality that lead to the highest level of enlightenment, i.e. the state of Siddhatva.
After successful completion of the education of His Holiness and extreme ‘Parikshas’ (tests), the greatest ‘Chetana’, Mahasiddha Ishaputra was crowned as the Kaulantak Nath by the supreme Himalayan Guru and the previous Kaulantak Nath Mahasiddha Siddha Siddhant Nath Ji Maharaja along with the Gurumandal.
International Kaulantak Siddha Vidya Peeth (IKSVP) is one such not for profit organization, incorporated under Indian laws, to materialize one of the goals, of His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra, to spread the different wisdom systems of the Himalayan Siddhas to the world. IKSVP is established by the few spiritual seekers, to pass on the great knowledge of the Himalayan Mahasiddhas through different courses. IKSVP is incorporated and operated by independent spiritual seekers.