Kaulantak Siddha Vidya Peeth


In order to find the motivation to practice authentically, you need to listen to teachings, study them and reflect on their meaning. These days, with our busy lives and students who are spread out all over the world, this can be quite a challenge. So I have worked with some of my students to create a place on-line so that anyone with an internet connection can find guidance and support for their practice. I feel that this sort of endeavor is essential in today’s incredibly fast-paced world, so that we always can find inspiration at the touch of a button.

- John Doe -

By participating in the courses or related activities organized by International Kaulantak Siddha Vidhya Peeth “hereinafter IKSVP”, the participant “hereinafter You” acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions as mentioned herein.

1. KSVP and its objectives

IKSVP is the Gurukul system based on the tradition of Himalayan Siddhas, i.e., Kulanta Peeth.  To join the course under the Siddha Vidya Peeth Gurukula, you should fulfil some basic requirements,

IKSVP is a non-profit organization registered under Indian laws. IKSVP preaches the Gurukula system of knowledge purely for informational purpose only. You should not construe your participation in the IKSVP courses in anyway as being initiated as a disciple of the great Siddha lineage nor should you construe the information that we provide as any form of spiritual guidance, wisdoms, knowledge, directions or how-to.

IKSVP’s prime objective is to disseminate the information of various spiritual figures i.e. Maharishis, Devi/Devatas etc. that is not found in mainstream Hindu literature and Practices. IKSVP should not be construed as an institution following only the Vedic principles. IKSVP gives equal importance to many wisdom forms like tantra, yoga, rituals etc.

2. Participation Requirements:

You acknowledge and understand that IKSVP is not related to Kaulantak Peeth nor Kaulantak Peethadhishwor Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji any way. You understand and acknowledge that IKSVP is a legal person and is different from Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji as IKSVP has its separate legal entity and is registered as Trust and as non-profit organization.

You should be theist, firm believer in the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh), Guru, Spiritual Texts/Granth, Himalayan Siddha Tradition (Kaulantak Peeth),  ‘Shruti’ (Oral Tradition), Deshaj Parampara (Kulant Deva Parampara Tradition), Guhyachar (Secretive Knowledge passed on from the Guru only to the chosen ones).

The information passed on in this course is only for the believers in the Himalayan Siddhas (Kaulantak Peeth) and is not scientifically or empirically proven.

The purpose of the course is solely informational and to disseminate about various information relating to (non-written) knowledge, that includes oral history, origin, tradition, culture, Karmakand rituals, philosophy, atheistic views, beliefs and sometimes Deeksha of the Himalayan Siddhas related to Kulant Deva Parampara.

The information of the course sometimes involves old manuscripts, paintings, graphics, stone tablets, Yantras (sacred Geometry), herbs, old ornaments etc. for informational purpose only and you should treat the information as it is and not construe the information as to hurt any cultural, religious, moral and personal believes or sentiments.

IKSVP disseminates information of the known and unknown Himalayan Siddhas which may contain graphic languages, different views regarding color, creed, caste, gender, country, race, person, community and religious sects. The sole purpose of it is informational so as to provide a perspective based on wide view of history etc. We do not have the permission to hide and modify the traditional education system of the Himalayan Siddhas hence it is presented as informational purpose only.

It is absolutely mandatory for you to be: 
a) 18 years of age 
b) Physically and mentally fit 
c) Have the necessary spiritual acumen of the Himalayan Siddha tradition and Deva Parampara (Kulant Peeth)

Your articipation and completion of this course, does not and shall not be construed as being disciple of  Siddha Vidya Peeth (IKSVP), Kaulantak Peeth, Himalayan Siddha Tradition or the disciple of any Acharya, Nath or Guru nor should it construed as creating a employer-employee relationship.

You must know either Hindi and (or) English Language to understand the content of the course. The course content might include contents in  Sanskrit, Tankari, Bhoot Lipi, Kula Bhasha and other languages like Brahmi, Siddhamalika, Lipi Chinh etc.

It is mandatory for you to wear the traditional attire of the Himalayan Siddha (Kaulantak Peeth) I.e., Dhoti, Parna with Rudraksha Mala for males, Lehengas, Choli, Odhni with Rudraksha mala for females. The basic color of the traditional attire is maroon with yellow border. The color might change as per the requirements of the course.

To avoid discrimination among participants, we don’t address them with their names and surnames. We address male participants as Bhairavas and females as Bhairavi.

The acharyas of the course in Siddha Vidya Peeth are neither fixed nor permanent. The Acharyas are volunteers. Kaulantak Siddha Vidya Peeth shall change any acharya without any prior notice or information of any kind to you based on its own discretion.

Sometimes Siddha Vidya Peeth offers Mahaprasad to participants which may include Indian food, sweets, juice, fruits, water, milk etc. It shall be in your discretion to accept or reject the prasad.

You must provide IKSVP correct and complete medical information so as to avoid any unforeseen emergency situations. You need to consult the doctor in case of any medical emergency by yourself.

All information provided by the participants, including personal and medical information, must be accurate and complete. IKSVP shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from incorrect or incomplete information provided by the participants.

You must provide three emergency contact numbers of your friends and (or) family for any emergency situation.

The participants must be 18 years or above and are responsible for their own health, safety, and well-being. Children aged 14 years or older may participate in the camp but must be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians.

Your baggage’s may be inspected before you enter the IKSVP premises that concerns the course you are attending. You shall not carry any arms (including licensed), prohibited drugs, intoxicants, sharp objects etc.

The participants must carry a valid ID proof and any necessary medical documentation required to undertake camps that includes mountain trekking. The camp organizers will not be responsible for stay, food, or any other expenses incurred during the camp.

Any kind of electronic gadgets like laptop, mobile phone, camera, recorders, smart watches etc. will not be allowed during your stay in the premises, class, outdoors, indoors and during any rituals. You will need to deposit any and (or) all the electronic gadgets with the security under your own responsibility.

You acknowledge that IKSVP does not teach you any forms of Jadu, Tona, black magic, dark Tantra-Mantra, Bali paratha and chamatkar (miracles). We do not perform miracles of any kind. You are advised to not join IKSVP courses for any spiritual fantasies like Siddhis (spiritual powers), miracles, wish fulfillments and for pratyaksh Deva Darshan (for physical manifestation of divine beings)

You acknowledge that the information that we provide shall be kept secret from public, it is mandatory for you to understand and comply with the non-disclosure in any form and means including on digital platforms, books, movies, documentaries and passing on knowledge from person to person, teach and preach it further, etc. Failing to comply with this, might lead to legal action.

You might have to pass exam if needed (written and/or oral) to pass and get the certification of completion in the respective course. If you fail the exam, then you shall not be awarded with any kind of certification. IKSVP does not discloses answer sheets and do not keep the answer sheets with them.

You shall adhere to the discipline, code of conduct, morality and public decency, failing which disciplinary action and legal action will be taken against the concerned participant. It may result in dismissal from the camp, without any refund of fees paid.

You adhere to the ethical practices of the camp. Any inappropriate behavior or violation of the practices may result in immediate dismissal from the camp.

Participants will be responsible for their own safety during the camp. IKSVP not be held liable for any injury, loss, or damage to the participants or their belongings.

The camp fee is non-refundable, and no refunds shall be provided for any reason, including but not limited to cancellation, dismissal, or withdrawal from the camp.

IKSVP reserves the right to make changes to the program, schedule, or location of the camp, without prior notice.

Participants must arrange their own transportation, accommodation, and meals during the camp. IKSVP shall not be responsible for any arrangements made by the participants.

Participants must have appropriate travel insurance covering their entire stay in the Himalayas.

You hereby agree that you are participating in this course based on your own freewill. In case of any unforeseen happening that leads to any serious injury while performing services, IKSVP shall not liable for it.

You further agree that if you cause any injury to any third party or cause damages to the property of IKSVP while acting outside the scope of assigned duties with negligence and carelessness, you shall personally be liable for physical injury or any monetary claims.

It is understood and agreed by volunteer that Participant as well as his/her heirs, executors or administrators shall not claim or demand if any problem arise out of the negligence, willful misconduct, or any other conduct from the part of Participant.

You further agree that volunteer shall fully cooperate with the IKSVP and its members/agents in any investigation, lawsuit, arbitration, or any other legal proceedings that arise from the matters related to Institution/Trust.  Participant further agrees to notify IKSVP immediately about any incident that occurs or may occur within the knowledge of the participant, which gives rise to liability on the part of the participant of this course.

Participant hereby agrees to follow the instruction, supervision and direction of the Acharyas, guides and local help and people concerned with the course. If there are any violation of the rules and regulations, the Senior management committee, under their discretionary power, may terminate/cancel/permanently ban the participants from the course and premises immediately without any prior notice.

3. Registration and Payment:

Registration for courses is required and is mandatory. The payment for classes must be made according to the specified rates and terms. Payment is non-refundable unless explicitly stated otherwise in advance.

4. Health and Liability Waiver:

By participating in our courses, you acknowledge that the courses involves physical exertion and potential risk. You release IKSVP and its instructors/acharyas from any liability for injuries or damages that may occur during or as a result of participating in classes.

5. Personal Belongings:

IKSVP shall not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings brought to the course or class venue.

6. Changes and Cancellations:

IKSVP reserves the right to change courses schedules, instructors, or locations as necessary. In case of course cancellations by IKSVP, participants may be offered alternative class times or refunds.

7. Code of Conduct:

Participants are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that promotes a respectful and peaceful environment. Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

8. Photography and Promotion:

By participating in the courses, you grant IKSVP the right to use photographs and videos taken during classes for promotional purposes unless you specifically request otherwise in writing.

9. Privacy and Data Usage:

Personal information provided during registration will be used for administrative purposes and will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

11.Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of India. Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Kullu District Court.

12.Modification of Terms:

IKSVP reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Changes will be effective upon posting on our website or notifying participants directly.

13.Warranties and Indemnification

IKSVP tries it best to maximize your learning experiences but IKSVP shall not provide any warranty whatsoever for smooth services from our website. There might be some technical problems in the delivery of our service from time to time. By participating, you agree to be bounded by our terms and conditions.

The courses that we inform online do not provide any form of warranties of results. It is solely for information. By using our platform, you are well aware of the informational nature of the course.

IKSVP does not guarantee any specific outcomes or results from participating in the course furthermore Participants agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the IKSVP, its instructors, employees, and affiliates from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, or expenses arising out of or related to their participation in the course. Participants acknowledge and assume all risks associated with participating in the course, including risks of injury, harm, or loss.

Participants release the IKSVP, its instructors, employees, and affiliates from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with their participation in the course.

14.Intellectual Property

The videos that IKSVP provides in the course belongs to IKSVP. It is the intellectual property of IKSVP and it is the duty of participants not to temper with the videos, nor use the videos in a manner that infringes the moral and economic rights of IKSVP. By participating, you acknowledge and agree to respect all forms of intellectual property rights of IKSVP.

By registering and participating in IKSVP’s courses, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions.


Last Updated: 16-Aug-2023