Voluenteer Volunteer for IKSVPWe are always looking for volunteers to help the activities of IKSVP flourish. If you have time and skills to offer, please complete the form below. First Name* Last Name* Date of Birth* Gender* MaleFemale Email* Phone* Address* Occupation* Why would you like to volunteer for IKSVP? What do you hope to gain from your volunteer experience with us? Do any of the following skills apply to you? Accounting and BookkeepingWeb DevelopmentVideo/Audio EditingGraphic DesignIT Systems & NetworkingWeb Marketing & SEOE-commerceCopywritingFinance and Book-keepingTranslationTranscribing audio teachings Other Skills, Qualifications or Experience Languages spokenAddress How much time are you willing to invest?1 to 5 hours per week5 to 15 hours per weekMore than 15 hours per week Reference Name of your reference persons Your Resume/CV JOIN OUR FREE MAILING LIST To receive the latest teachings and information from International Kaulantak Siddha Vidya Peeth, please subscribe CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE Reflection of the Day Understanding another person’s suffering motivates us to help them, and dignity and wisdom enable us to do that effectively. KAI PO CHE, AWAKENING DIGNITY, CHAPTER 10: THE COMPASSION TO ACT